Met meer dan 100 jaar toegewijd aan technische vooruitgang zijn wij een toonaangevende fabrikant op het gebied van frequentieregelaars, servoaandrijvingen, besturingstechnologie en robotica.
Revolutionary picking, packing, palletizing processes in the beverage industry
- Industrieën
- Levensmiddelen & dranken
- Dranken
- Toepassingen
- Picking | packing
- Palletiseren
- Klant
- Bavaria Brewery
- Palletizing of beer cans
- Beer cans are fed into the system via two conveyors
- Incoming plastic-wrapped packs of cans are picked up by 4 robots
- Individual packs are distributed onto three, six or nine conveyor belts; these transport the cans to three palletizing stations
- Stacking on pallets
- The system works in three-shift operation 24/7
- Cooperation between 10 robots
- Speed of approximately 30 m per minute
- Flexible gripper design with mechanical and pneumatic components
- Palletizing of 100,000 beer cans/hour
- 80 different variants – virtually no conversion work
- Hundred percent process reliability through the use of Motoman robots
- Fast conversion of the system at the press of a button
- Maximum fail-safety
- High efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the system